Detail by Officer/Registered Agent Name

Florida Limited Liability Company


Filing Information
L18000120051 83-0930714 05/14/2018 FL ACTIVE LC AMENDMENT 10/07/2019 NONE
Principal Address
c/o Bernice Lee, solely in her capacity as the court appointed Receiver over Urbin Coral Gables Partners, LLC, which is a member of CG Office SPE LLC
2525 Ponce de Leon Blvd.
9th Floor
Miami, FL 33134

Changed: 04/26/2024
Mailing Address
c/o Bernice Lee, solely in her capacity as the court appointed Receiver over Urbin Coral Gables Partners, LLC, which is a member of CG Office SPE LLC
2525 Ponce de Leon Blvd.
9th Floor
Miami, FL 33134

Changed: 04/26/2024
Registered Agent Name & Address Lee, Bernice
c/o Bernice Lee, solely in her capacity as the court appointed Receiver over Urbin Coral Gables Partners, LLC, which is a member of CG Office SPE LLC
2525 Ponce de Leon Blvd.
9th Floor
Miami, FL 33134

Name Changed: 04/26/2024

Address Changed: 04/26/2024
Authorized Person(s) Detail Name & Address

Title Court Appointed Receiver

Lee, Bernice
2525 Ponce de Leon Blvd.
9th Floor
Miami, FL 33134

Annual Reports
Report YearFiled Date
2022 03/03/2022
2023 03/15/2023
2024 04/26/2024